Budget Committee
The Executive Board is responsible for establishing budget, and all board members share in the responsibility for staying in budget.
Communication Committee
Website, press releases, advertising, newsletter, social media marketing.
General Meeting & Entertainment Committee
Maintains meeting schedule and educational components, including the annual blue rock shoot, Poppy's Pumpkin Patch - Family Night, tour of NAHB members and projects.
Home, Garden & Outdoor (HGO) Expo Committee
Responsible for all aspects of the home show. Annually third full weekend in March.
Legislative Issues Committee
Involved in the Chamber Legislative conference call, local issues, and the State and National Build PAC.
Membership Committee
Coordinates membership drive, recruits new members, and mentors current members.
Promoting the Trades
Northeast Community College scholarships to support the trades, local donations, Skills USA, working with local high schools to promote the trades.